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Center of my Live
Blog > 20111002MittelpunktMeinesLebens
The preference for certain types of sportswear and a physical feeling associated with it for me, which partly also includes sexual arousal, has actually always been part of my life, you could even say a central part. Over the years, however, this focus has changed. :)
Published on 01.09.2022
As a child, it was especially snow suits made of smooth, shiny fabric inside and outside. Especially when putting it on, when the material was still cool, it felt nice. That is why I usually did not want to take the ski suit off after a walk in the snow, which was so scary to my parents that they took it away.
At this point, an advice to all parents out there who are in a similar situation as my parents were back then: allow it, do not forbid your children to wear or keep on something they obviously like, even if the sexual dimension of it all might be creepy for you. A ban can damage your child in development more seriously than you think, at least far more than if you just allow it.
This ban from my parents haunted me for a long time into adulthood. Do not worry, I am not mad at them for that, it was a very different time back then too!
In my teenage years, when I discovered the benefits of cycling clothes, I bought a bike - for one reason only: to be able to wear cycling shorts. How else could I have explained that to my parents?

Walking in the snow with a ski suit, riding a bike with a cycling suit - for people other than us who have that preference, it is quite normal. But those who have such a special preference - and then were also shaped by a prohibition in childhood - have a shyness to move outside with the actually beloved clothing or even to show it to other people.

When I started with bbkus webservices and created websites about my preferences, it was mainly others who wore the clothes for me. But not myself, it just did not feel right, partly even scared me. Since that time, my parents also know about the special importance of sportswear for me. :)
Then, at the beginning of my thirties, I finally plucked up the courage and told myself that it just had to be explainable. Wearing a ski suit in winter while shopping, for example, would be very explainable, even if there was only snow on the mountains.
In the end, however, it was the smile trigger that changed my image of myself and helped me to overcome my shyness and fully accept myself, and also to wear cycling clothes on a bike ride or a ski suit in the snow outside and also in front of other people.
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