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With rented bikes
Blog > 20170618DieSindGemietet
Without the photo shoot with Raphael, this bike tour would never have happened. And who knows? Maybe Reto and I would never have discovered the joy of cycling together?
Published on 03.05.2023
When the shoot with Raphael was coming up in summer 2017 and my own bike was still gathering dust in the cellar, I needed a replacement for the bike as a prop. So I came up with the idea of renting one.
If for Raphael, why not for us too? So the idea was born - and also a shared passion.

Blog > 20170618DieSindGemietet
Reto opted for a fully, as he was used to it, and I chose a hardtail, as I was unfamiliar with suspension until then. After all, my Wilier mountain bike is still from 1995! Although we are both about the same height, our upper body and leg lengths are quite different. Reto, with his much longer upper body, needs a larger frame with a longer top tube and I need a smaller frame size, but set the saddle much higher for my long legs. I was able to find what I needed in the well-stocked bike rental shop.

We quickly realized that the best thing about cycling for us was the breaks, during which photos were taken every time, like here in front of the turquoise-blue waters of the Old Rhine. The camera was mostly on a tripod that day, triggered by the smile detector.
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