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Smile detection
Blog > 20111002Laechelausloeser
For a long time I was firmly convinced that I only belonged behind the camera, but never in front of it. Then I discovered the smile trigger on my camera and how easily I could use it to take photos of myself: Just set the camera up so it could see me, and smile. And my self-image changed.
Published on 30.08.2022
All the pictures I took until 2011 were taken with a Sony DSC-F828. I really loved this camera. Several times I even repurchased used copies of this camera when mine stopped working. But finally the moment came when the aging device was no longer up to the growing demands of the modern media world and had to be exchanged for a successor. This successor was the Sony A33, my first digital SLR camera. And it came with the function of automatically triggering the shutter when a smile was detected. This was a wonderful function, because it meant that I as a photographer could finally take photos without anyone having to press the button. You have to smile for the camera to trigger with this function. So you smile automatically on all photos. And smiling is beautiful! Just by seeing yourself smile all the time in this way, smiling at yourself in every photo, you get a completely different image of yourself. After all, they say it is good for your mood to smile at yourself in the mirror in the morning. Go ahead and try it out! :)
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