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Blog > 20170618EinfachWarm
Hardly tangible happiness!
It is really something special to be able to share a cycling suit with someone.
Just how special this is can only be understood by those who also have a special fondness for cycling shorts and a deep desire for a cycling shorts buddy.
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Published on 14.07.2024
Blog > 20170618DieSindPerfekt
Why the new QuickStep?
When it came to the question of which cycling clothing to purchase for the future, one thing was especially important to me: a matching, surely original time trial suit. This was only available at the most reliable online source I know, Bobshop (not paid advertising), from Team QuickStep Floors.
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Published on 10.05.2024
Blog > 20170618DieSindGemietet
With rented bikes
Without the photo shoot with Raphael, this bike tour would never have happened. And who knows? Maybe Reto and I would never have discovered the joy of cycling together?
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Published on 03.05.2023
Blog > 20170618Bekanntschaft
May I introduce?
This is Reto.
My bike buddy.
We knew each other for two years at the time, but because our bikes were dusty and in need of an overhaul in our respective cellars, we came up with the - actually so obvious - idea of a joint bike tour very late.
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Published on 26.04.2024
Blog > 20120729Haushaltstag
My everyday life in fetish
My fetish clothes often accompany me through daily life and are much more than just a fetish for me.
Writing about how my favourite pieces accompany me through everyday life and motivate me was very difficult for me. But I found help. :)
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Published on 01.03.2023
Blog > 20120327Anderssein
I am different...
We are all human beings and therefore all individuals. That means, as much as we are similar, we are also different.
And that is good and I am very happy about it! :)
Knowing the differences is necessary to maintain them.
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Published on 30.01.2023
Blog > 20120325WasDarunter
The clothes worn underneath
The same, smooth-shiny material, only very short, most with inner briefs, the dark blue ones without, that is the Adidas shorts. They also date back to the 70s and 80s: as soccer shorts or German Army sports shorts.
One of them fits perfectly with my training pants.
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Published on 19.01.2023
Blog > 20120325VonDerLeine
From the clothesline
Today these Adidas training pants are vintage, from the 70s to the 90s every teenager or young man (at least in my environment) either had such Adidas training pants - or wanted them.
I belonged to the second group back then. :/
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Published on 14.01.2023
Blog > 20111002NamensFetisch
That Something called Fetish
If a certain thing, in this case clothes, is connected with a special body feeling and this can also include sexual arousal, one speaks of a fetish. However, this does not mean that one is permanently in a state of arousal in the corresponding clothing.
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Published on 07.09.2022
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